How to get the best out of your balance drink

Some tips on taking this versatile supplement

Qualified Nutritionist (BSc, MSc, RNutr)
Ask Emma

13 July 2017

What is Balance Mineral Drink for?

Balance Mineral Drink is a hugely versatile product that helps to boost energy levels, reduce fatigue and replace electrolytes. This means it works well as a post-workout drink, a pick-me-up after a night out, a mid-afternoon energy slump antidote, or as a general energy booster for anyone who regularly feels tired or fatigued.

It’s packed full of vital minerals including potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc as well as vitamin D3 which combine to reduce fatigue. Magnesium in particularly is famous for its fatigue-fighting qualities, whilst calcium aids the energy metabolism process.

This combination of minerals means it is of particular benefit to women, as they tend to have higher requirements for these minerals. However, it can really be used by anyone who’s feeling fatigued or wants to replace electrolytes. 

When is the best time to have your Balance Drink?

The versatility of this product makes this question tricky to answer! It all depends on why you’re taking it.

As a long-term solution to fatigue, this is best taken every morning to keep nutrient levels topped up daily.

To avoid that mid-afternoon energy slump at work, have a glass of Balance drink between 2pm and 3pm or with your lunch – depending when your slump hits!

To replace electrolytes as a result of exercise, Balance can be taken afterwards as a post-workout recovery drink. However, if you’re taking part in long-distance running or cycling, Balance is best taken halfway through to supply your muscles with essential electrolytes to keep them working.

Worked a long day and need to find the energy for a night out/party/family dinner? Take Balance as soon as you get home!

If you’re recovering from a late night then Balance is best taken in the morning to boost energy. Alcohol is a diuretic that causes the body to quickly lose electrolytes, so if your late night involved alcohol, then Balance can replace these lost electrolytes and help you to recover more quickly.

How do I drink Balance?

Whilst the common recommendation is to dissolve Balance drink in a glass of water, we’re aware that the powder doesn’t dissolve all that well! Its goodness is too important to miss out on, however, so we’ve come up with some other great ways to work Balance into your day!

Strawberry and banana milkshake. Just blend up 1 frozen banana and a handful of frozen strawberries with a sachet of Balance drink and enough almond milk to reach the desired consistency. We like ours thick and creamy! If you’re feeling naughty, add a scoop of ice cream.

Supercharge your protein shake. You might already be taking a protein shake as part of your workout regime. If this is the case, just add a sachet of Balance drink in along with your protein powder and give it a good shake as normal. This is a much healthier alternative to energy drinks!

Energy-Boosting Smoothie. If you like a morning smoothie, just add a sachet of Balance to this! The beauty of smoothies is that you can add whatever you like. Raspberries, blueberries, banana, some chia seeds, maybe a spoon of nut butter – you choose!

Give your cereal a strawberry twist. Stir a sachet of Balance drink into your morning milk and pour over your favourite cereal for a strawberry twist. 

Boost your baking. Making some tasty snack bars or energy balls to get you through the day? Add Balance! Just remember that adding one sachet to a recipe that makes 8 bars will reduce the effectiveness of Balance, so don’t be afraid to add a few extras, so long as your total consumption for the day doesn’t exceed one sachet.

Chia pudding. These tasty puddings are so easy to make and are perfect for breakfast, as a snack at work, or a quick pick-me-up when you get home! Add a sachet of Balance to your favourite chia pudding recipe for a tasty strawberry flavour. 

How else can I reduce fatigue?

Balance Drink can help to reduce fatigue and boost your energy, but it should be taken as part of a healthy, balanced diet. It’s a fantastic product, but it isn't a miracle worker – if your diet is full of unhealthy takeaways, sugary snacks and fizzy juice it will be difficult to notice the great effects of Balance!

Make sure to eat plenty of fresh fruit and veg, incorporate lots of complex carbohydrates (such as brown pasta, brown rice, wholemeal bread, quinoa and starchy vegetables) into your diet, and get some regular exercise. Drinking water is also really important for reducing fatigue!

Have a look at some of our most popular articles on fatigue for some more information:

A.Vogel Balance Mineral Drink with Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium and Calcium.

7 x 5.5g sachets

£ 8.25

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