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Check nowBloating is a common feature of indigestion, usually indicating the presence of excessive gas or fluids. Abnormal gas can be relieved by burping or flatulence, or by simple lifestyle and diet changes. In this page, our digestive expert Ali Cullen discusses the causes of bloating and the symptoms can be alleviated by using natural remedies and suggesting self-help techniques.
Bloating is a non-specific but common symptom. It usually relates to a feeling of fullness or distension in the abdomen (tummy) and is more commonly reported by women than men.
Medically, the symptom is not well-defined and usually suggests the presence of excessive wind (or gas) but occasionally, fluid. The feeling of bloating can arise as a result of indigestion affecting the first part of the digestive system. It can also be due to constipation, food intolerances or IBS.
Indigestion occurs when the upper part of the digestive system does not work well enough after a meal. This leads to the formation of excess gas in the stomach, a feeling of being bloated, the need to burp and at times, other symptoms of indigestion.
Burping, or releasing excess gas through the mouth, can help relieve the discomfort of bloating.
Gas that is not released upwards travels down the rest of the digestive tract, eventually to appear as flatulence. Whilst on this journey, bloating can be experienced in the small and large intestines as excess gas distends these organs.
Here are some steps you can take to help yourself if you suffer from excessive wind (gas) and bloating:
If changes to what you eat and the way you eat do not help, try using herbs known to help improve your digestion.
The group of medicinal plants known as ‘stomach bitters’ can help you digest food better and reduce the likelihood of bloating. These herbs include artichoke, boldo and dandelion.
Ali's TOP TOP: It is best to use bitter herbs in liquid form. Digestisan contains the tinctures of artichoke, dandelion, boldo and peppermint and helps relieve symptoms of bloating, fullness and flatulence. To allow the stomach time to prepare, take 5 to 10 minutes before each meal.
As with herbal remedies, there are no specific medicines from your doctor or pharmacist which can help specifically with bloating.
Your doctor may prescribe medicines for indigestion such as antacids, H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors, but only if you have other more severe symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn or tummy pain.
Seek advice from your doctor if you have unexplained digestion symptoms, if they worsen and become severe or do not improve with treatment. Also, seek help urgently if you notice any blood in your stool or vomit.
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Check the health of your digestive system using our simple test.
Check nowAs the A.Vogel Digestion advisor, I use Digestisan and Silicol® gel to help manage indigestion and Biotta Potato Juice as part of an alkaline diet.
Learn more about your digestionAlthough burping is typically triggered by indigestion, there are many other causes attributed to the bodily function, including ill-fitting dentures or even depression!
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