Tips for a Healthy Menopause

Lifestyle advice and self-help tips to help you sail through the menopause

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An introduction to menopause tips

The menopause gets rather a rough press in our society as we don't usually value age and experience the way they do in less Westernised cultures.

There are many things you can do for your health to ensure that the menopause is embraced rather than dreaded. Why not try a few of the health tips below to help you through the menopause and into the next phase of your life.

Food and drink

There are some dietary changes you can make to help you through the menopause:

  • Drink at least 1.5 litres of still plain water daily
  • Cut out coffee and take a maximum of 2 cups of tea daily (why not try Bambu - a coffee alternative)
  • Make sure your bowels move regularly
  • Eat regularly as skipping meals will not help with trying to maintain a healthy weight
  • Reduce refined carbohydrates - white sugar, white bread, white pasta, white rice and things covered in heaps of syrup
  • Eat more phyto-oestrogenic foods such as broccoli, oats & soya
  • Eat more non-dairy, calcium containing foods such as brown rice, salmon and pumpkin seeds.


  •  Walk for 20 minutes every other night - 10 minutes outbound and 10 minutes home. This helps trigger the production of happy chemicals called endorphins in your body
  • Get a mini trampoline (rebounder). You can use it in front of the television so that you don't get bored
  • Get some mini weights and use them gently whilst watching the 'soaps.'


  • Being able to sleep well is easier if your digestion is working properly, so observe the suggestions for eating and drinking above. If you habitually wake at about 3am, you may find that improving your digestion has a very good knock-on effect on your sleep pattern
  • Spend some time relaxing before you go to bed so that your mind stops buzzing
  • Write down things that are on your mind and a list of things you need to do the next day before you go to bed so that you do not have everything revolving round in your mind as you try to go to sleep
  • Avoid all caffeine, not just in the evening but during the day as well. Try to stay away from situations that will cause anxiety. Use calming herb teas such as lemon balm and chamomile to help relax your mind, or use a herbal remedy containing valerian, such as Dormeasan® Valerian-Hops drops to help you re-establish a good sleeping pattern. 


  • Take time out for yourself
  • Eat regularly, as skipping meals or eating on the run creates more stress
  • Avoid caffeine
  • Practice breathing techniques, or take up yoga or another gentle, meditative exercise that promotes deep relaxatio
  • If you need further help, you might like to consider using a herbal remedy such as Stress Relief Daytime.

Low Mood/Tearfulness

Exercise is very good for both body and mind as it releases natural chemicals in the body that make us feel happy.

  • Write it down - it is best not to bottle your feelings up.
  • Talk to those around you but if you find this difficult, even writing your problems down in a journal can help release your feelings. Better out than in as they say.
  • While drinking in moderation is acceptable, it is best to try and avoid alcohol. Water is the best drink to hydrate the brain!
  • Change things in your surroundings. The brain can easily form repetitive patterns making it hard to change your emotions, so try doing something new when you feel low and you might surprise yourself and others. They do call it the change after all.

If you are looking for a herbal remedy for low mood, you might wish to consider Hyperiforce® St. John's Wort tablets.

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Did you know?

You won’t get the menopause the minute you turn 50! The average starting age is actually between 45 and 55 and it can often depend on a number of factors including hereditary, weight and health, however every single woman will have an individual menopause.

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