Menopause Top 10 explained: part 5

Menopause Advisor
Ask Eileen

10 February 2014

Additional symptoms

I mentioned in my Menopause Top 10 Explained – Part 4 blog that there are a number of symptoms that are getting asked about more and more, so I thought I would write a short piece on each one.

Please remember, though, that if you have any of these symptoms it is important to get them checked out with your doctor first, as there may be other causes not listed here.


You are not considered safe from pregnancy until you have not had a period for about 3 years. The older you are and the further you are through the menopause, the less likelihood of pregnancy, but you should still take precautions until then. Be aware that if you go without a period for, say, 18 months and then you get one you have to start counting from scratch again! It is thought that the oldest naturally conceived pregnancy was that of a British lady aged 59! Be warned!


Falling oestrogen levels can affect blood pressure, which in turn may cause bouts of dizziness. However, the menopause tends to make us more sensitive to other factors such as low blood sugar levels and dehydration and both of these can cause dizziness as well. So make sure that you don’t leave big gaps between meals – even a small handful of dried fruits and nuts can make a huge positive difference and they are full of nutritional goodies for menopausal women! Remember to drink, drink, drink – plain water please, as fizzy drinks, coffee, tea and sugary fruit juices all cause dehydration and can compound the problem. Try for at least 1.5 litres per day. Water is also very important for keeping your skin youthful and glowing, so there’s an added (and cost-effective!) incentive!

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We are all aware that changing hormones in pregnancy cause nausea and, unfortunately, for some women this can happen in the menopause as well. Oestrogen balancing remedies such as fermented soya can often be of help here. If you like ginger try a couple of cups of ginger tea a day but don’t start snacking on ginger biscuits as they are full of sugar! Low blood sugar can cause nausea as well so remember the nuts and dried fruits snack idea.

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There are so many causes of bloating: poor diet, lack of friendly bacteria, sedentary lifestyle, constipation, dehydration, stress, eating too quickly – to name just a few! If you find you are getting bloating in the menopause, do a quick lifestyle check and make the necessary changes – these can make a difference really quickly. Are you eating plenty of fibre-rich foods? Are your bowels working every day? (Yes, at least once a day; anything less is considered to be constipation!) Are you drinking plenty of water? Are you stressed etc?

You may find Molkosan helpful and some women find taking a probiotic supplement, especially if they have been taking antibiotics, really helpful.


Oestrogen is thought to cause blood vessels to open up, while progesterone causes them to contract. As these hormones fall/fluctuate the blood vessels are constantly expanding and contracting which can trigger headaches and even migraines in some women. Stress, which is a huge issue in the menopause, can also be a contributory factor. You may find oestrogen-balancing remedies such as a fermented soya supplement helpful and magnesium comes to the rescue again! You can now get magnesium skin sprays which would be really handy for this. Dehydration and low blood sugar levels can cause headaches as well so remember the water and healthy snacks!

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Did you know?

You won’t get the menopause the minute you turn 50! The average starting age is actually between 45 and 55 and it can often depend on a number of factors including hereditary, weight and health, however every single woman will have an individual menopause.

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